Take 3 balls and place them as indicated below. You have to succeed with 2 out 3 balls to validate the exercice. Play and Keep score.
Important: play with 3 identical golf balls

Place the ball on the hole (S).
Putt toward zone 11 (F).

Place the ball in zone 11 (S). Your ball has to roll over the hole and end up in the Wellputt zone, uphill putt (F).

Place the 3 balls on the starting dots ( S). Putt toward zone 5 (F), putt toward zone 7 (F), putt toward zone 9 (F).

Place the 3 balls on the starting dots (S) at 6ft, 10ft, 13ft. Your ball has to roll over the hole and end up in the Wellputt zone (F).

Place the ball on the hole (S).
Putt toward zone 12 (F).

Place the 3 balls on the starting dots (S). Putt toward zone 1 (F), putt toward zone 3 (F), putt toward zone 5 (F).

Place the 3 balls on the starting dots (S) at 6ft, 10ft, 13ft. Your ball has to roll over the hole and end up in the Wellputt zone (F).

Place the ball on the hole (S).
Putt toward zone 13 (F).

Place the 3 balls on the starting dots (S) at 4.5ft, 13ft, 23ft. Your ball has to roll over the hole and end up in the Wellputt zone (F).
“When you get to 22 points, you can move on to the back nine.”

Important: play with 3 identical golf balls

Place the ball on the hole (S).
Putt toward zone 14 (F).

Place the 3 balls on the starting dots (S). Putt toward zone 17 (F), putt toward zone 13 (F), putt toward zone 15 (F).

Place the ball on the hole (S).
Putt toward zone 15 (F).

Place the 3 balls on the starting dots (S). Putt toward zone 11 (F), putt toward zone 7 (F), putt toward zone 9 (F).

Place the ball on the hole (S).
Putt toward zone 16 (F).

Place the 3 balls on the starting dots (S). Putt toward zone 5 (F), putt toward zone 3 (F), putt toward zone 1 (F).

Place the ball on the hole (S).
Putt toward zone 17 (F).

Place the 3 balls on the starting dots (S). Putt and end up in the smallest circle around the hole (F), putt toward zone 7 (F), putt toward zone 1 (F).

Place the ball on the hole (S).
Putt toward zone 18 (F).